Many love pets and dream for a pet dog to become a member of their family. However there are many things that should be considered in advance when it comes to any kind of pets and dogs in particular.
The first thing to consider is the amount of time and care required for a dog pet. Unlikely other pets such as fish or reptiles, dogs require much more care and attention. They need to be taken out at least two times a day, washed, and combed. Moreover dogs need to be trained not only to obey to commands but just because of themselves.
If we leave the care required by a dog at once side for a moment we will see that a dog should receive regular medical treatment as well. Since it goes out and has contact with other animals it should be vaccinated regularly to save his and yours health.
The last thing to consider is the best dog breed for you. Of course there is different amount of care required by each breed, but this should not be the only consideration.
Every dog breed is characterized by different character and behavior. There are playful and active dos suitable for families with kids, dogs that easily loose their temper, guard dogs, etc. the size of the dog is also a question especially for those who live in apartments or in small houses with small or no yards.
Just because you live in a small house or apartment doesn't mean that you cannot have a dog. There are many dog breeds that are perfect for home breeding and don't feel bad if they spend most of their time in house. Other pet dogs are not the typical "toy" dogs but also adapt very well to the family lifestyle in house.
A very popular and charming dog breed perfect for your home is the Maltese. they have soft white fur and do not become very large. Heir tender and playful character will win you from the first day.
If you are looking for a slightly bigger dog breed that is also suitable for small home, consider the English Cocker Spaniel. Black, golden or red, these dogs are one of the best friends ever. They are very smart, lovely and playful. Moreover this is a very easy going dog and easily goes into contact with people or other dogs.
If you want to get a real "jewel" type of dog look for a toy dog breed. The Chihuahua is among the most popular pet dogs of this type. Its maximum height is 9 inches and doesn't require almost any exercising. However it needs a lot of grooming. A small disadvantage of the Chihuahua is that they don't go very well with other dogs. To compensate this they are very devoted and fiercely loyal.
The Best Pet Dog Breed